Friday, December 21, 2012


Technical Interview (1 Round)
  1. Tell me about yourself?
  2. What kind of projects did  u handle?
  3. How big is your organization?
  4. How much QA Strength in your organization?
  5. Have u worked on Winrunner?
  6. Winrunner which version u used in your project?
  7. How many months of experience in Winrunner?
  8. Winrunner works on IE or NETSCAPE?
  9. What u used in your project IE or NETSCAPE?
  10. What r the different types of add-ins in Winrunner?
  11. How u worked on JAVA Project, which add-ins u used?
  12. For JAVA how u load add-ins and what is the command for loading Java add-ins?
  13. Can u write SQL Queries?
  14. How u comfortable in SQL Server?
  15. What is Defect Removal Efficiency?
  16. What is Defect Density?
  17. How u measure Quality?
  18. What is traceability matrix?
  19. What r the acceptance testcases?
  20. After completing Acceptance Testing what kind of bugs u faced?
  21. What is Data Driven Test?
  22. Can u write script for DDT?
  23. Write a script using DDT for a Screen having 3 fileds ID, NAME, SAL and 2 buttons SAVE , CANCEL?
  24. Can u write SQL Query?
There is an EMP Table
Eno           Ename            Sal
10              Purna             6000
20              Saibaba          7000
30              Lakshmi         8000
40              Vijay              9000
50              Feroz              10000
60              Narendra       15000
70              Kala               20000
80              Sushma          25000
90              Kalyan                       30000
95              Dwaraka        35000
Write a query for retrieving the records in the above table which are in italics.
25.What is bug life cycle?
26.What is your development team size?
27. Testing team size?( I told Dev. Team size lessthan Testing team)
28. Why Dev. Team size is less?
29. Can u write VB coding?
30. Do u have any Questions?

HR Interview (2 Round)
  1. About yourself?
  2. About your company profile like company strength, Team Size?
  3. What is your family?
  4. Why are you looking for a change?
  5. Why u choose TCS?
  6. What you know about TCS?
  7. How much time require to join?
  8. Can’t you join before 1 month?
  9. Why you choose Computers Subject?
  10. Why u opting only TCS?
  11. Have u appeared before to the TCS?
  12. Can u bring Payslip?
  13. What is your current salary?
  14. What is your expected salary?
  15. Who is CEO of TCS, do u know?

Management Review (3 Round)
  1. About yourself?
  2. What types of testing u have done?
  3. Do u know Winrunner?
  4. Do u know Loadrunner, Rational?
  5. What is testing life cycle?
  6. Explain each of the phases in SDLC?
  7. Models of SDLC?
  8. CMM explain?
  9. Difference between regression testing and acceptance testing?
  10. Difference between integration and system testing?
  11. Difference between functionality and performance testing?
  12. Have u done any mistakes in your previous projects?
  13. What r the characterstics of  test engineer as a team member?
  14. How much time u require to join?
  15. What r your strengths?
  16. What do u mean by learning new techniques very quickly? ( I told my strength as ability to learn new techniques very easily)
  17. Can’t u join tomorrow?
  18. Can u relocate in Chennai or Bangalore?

                          SATYAM COMPUTER SERVICES

Personal Interview(Screening 1 Round)
  1. What is your company name?
  2. Strength of your company?
  3. What tools u know?
  4. Your background education?
  5. What is your previous company?
  6. What is current project?
  7. What r different types of testing?
  8. How can u rate in Winrunner?
  9. Which testing u r familiar?
  10. Your company is training institute or S/W company?
  11. How do u tested your project?

Technical Interview (2 Round)
  1. Difference between S/W Testing and QA?
  2. Testing comes under QA or not?
  3. About your self?
  4. Your current project?
  5. Test plan document consists of what?
  6. How do u derive testcases?
  7. Difference between Use Cases and Functional Specifications?
  8. How do u justify your testcases are correct when your PL comes to you?
(you derived  270 testcases and your colleague derived 800 testcases how can u justify your testcases are correct ?here…it is a small discussion actually here u need to say about traceability matrix)
  1. What is system testing?
  2. What r the techniques for writing Testcases?
  3. What is equivalence class?
  4. Give me example of equivalence class?
  5. One Testcase is enough for valid equivalence class?
  6. XML do u know?
  7. Regarding SQL Server how much you r comfortable?
  8. SQL Database concepts , R you comfortable?
  9. What is Referential Integrity Constraint?
  10. What happens if we delete a record in child table?
  11. What happens if we delete a record in parent table?
  12. What r your strengths?
  13. What is primary key?
  14. What is Unique key? Difference between Unique and Primary keys?
  15. What is stored procedure?
  16. Why we use Stored Procedure?
  17. Ondelete Cascade?
  18. What r different Joins?
  19. Main attributes of XML?
  20. What is constraint?
  21. What r your academic %?
  22. What r your achievements?
  23. What is the best bug?
  24. What is bug life cycle?
  25. TestDirector do u know?
  26. Winrunner u know?
  27. What is a checkpoint? Definition?
  28. Can’t we use checkpoint if we r having only one version of application?
  29. How do u say a Test is pass/fail?
  30. Shall we use a check point in single version or not?
  31. Tell about Winrunner what u know?
  32. When we go for automation?
  33. What is the Stop Criteria of testing?

HR Interview (3 Round)
  1. About yourself?
  2. When we go for automation?
  3. Can’t we use tool for testing?
  4. Family background?
  5. Are u single?
  6. TestDirector u know ? Explain?
  7. Explain Loadrunner?
  8. What is Performace Testing?
  9. Have u used Loadrunner?
  10. Do u know Rational Robot?
  11. What you are expecting from Satyam?
  12. What is your CTC?
  13. What is Expected Salary?
  14. Can’t u work for 2.2 Package if u want career growth?
  15. How do u rate in WinRunner?
  16. When you are expecting your marriage?


Technical Interview
  1. About Yourself and Jobprofile?
  2. What is the difference between QA & QC?
  3. What is the difference between Verification & Validation?
  4. Which model u follow in your company?
  5. Draw the Structure of V-model?
  6. Testplan why?
  7. What it contains?
  8. How u prepare Testcases?
  9. What is difference between Usecases & Functional Specifications?
  10. Why u derive Testcases from both Usecases and Functional specs not from one?
  11. What r the types of testing?
  12. What is greybox testing?
  13. If the tester does not know can’t he test application?
  14. ISO & CMM …..abbreviations?
  15. What is CMM-i?
  16. What r the Steps in CMM?
  17. What r the testing types?
  18. What is the limitation of V-model?
  19. What is Functionality testing?
  20. What is difference between Client/Server and Web Application?
  21. Can’t we test VB Application in all the Platforms?
  22. Is VB browser compatability?
  23. Write the test plan for the following screen?
Location: combobox
Date:  Testbox
Time: Textbox

  1. Difference between Unit Testing & Functionality?
  2. What is the High level Architechture for farmers auto insurance?
  3. How do u submit a defect in your company? 
  4. What is bug life cycle?
  5. How do u know test is pass/fail?
  6. What is start criteria?
  7. What r the techniques u know for preparing testcases ….explain the techniques?
  8. Tell me testcases for the following  …

N can take numbers from 1 to 100.
   A can take numbers from 1 to 50
B can take numbers from 50 to 100

  1. How u submit a defect using tool?
  2. How u maintain bug tracking sheet?
  3. Compile Module?
  4. What is the use of Compile Module?
  5. Do u know Oracle?
  6. What r the types of Joins?
  7. What is outer join?
  8. What is self join?
  9. When u go for automation?
  10. When u stop testing?
  11. Difference between Retesting and Regression Testing?
  12. Why V-Model is called “V”


Technical Interview
  1. What r the Phases of SDLC?
  2. Explain Waterfall model?
  3. What is Testing?
  4. Describe V-Model?
  5. What Testpaln Document Consists?
  6. Who will prepare Testplan in your company?
  7. What is Testcase?
  8. What is template for testcase?
  9. Explain Bug lifecycle?
  10. What r the deliverables?
  11. What is Functionality Testing?
  12. What is Regression Testing?
  13. What is Compatability Testing?
  14. Write the Testcases for the Telephone?
  15. What is stop criteria for testing?
  16. Without any specifications can you test the application? If so that is called what type of testing?
  17. What r your responsibilities as a tester?
  18. Why automation testing?
  19. What is the difference between Verification and Validation?
  20. CMM Levels------Explain each?
  21. What is difference between Quality control and Quality Assurance?
  22. What is the quality approach for your company?
  23. What r the Recording modes in Winrunner?
  24. What r the Execution modes of Winrunner?
  25. What is the definition of Winrunner?
  26. What r the different types of checkpoints?
  27. What r the different types of GUI Checkpoints?
  28. What files will be created when you use GUI Check Points…with what extension?
  29. What is Synchronization Point?(Syntax of Synchronization Point)
  30. When Requirements are changed what u would do…whether you read all the requirements again or you execute all the testcases. What is the easiest way?
(Exactly I don’t remember but the concept is ..U need to tell about Why Automation)

  1. GUI Map Editor is for what?
  2. What is Compile Module?
  3. What is the Difference Between Compile Module and Test Script?
  4. Have you ever used Compile Module in your project?
  5. What is the Primary Key, Foreign Key?
  6. What is Stored Procedure and syntax?
  7. Have u ever tested Stored Procedure in your Project?
  8. Can you add “0” in a table having Primary Key?
  9. What r the different Metrics in your Project?
  10. Can u write VB Program …now itself?

Aptitude and English Test (1 Round)

Technical Interview (2 Round)
  1. Tell me about yourself?
  2. Company Strength how many members?
  3. Testing team size?
  4. What is your role in that company?
  5. How will you test the application?
  6. Write a C- Program to sum 1 to 100 numbers?
  7. What is Regression Testing?
  8. Tell me about Cyber Cops Project?
  9. Tell me about FARMERS Project?
  10. Do u know VC++?
  11. Do u know VB?
  12. Write the testcases for the following screen? ( Some screen is given)
  13. What is bug lifecycle?
  14. How do u execute a testcase?

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